铁拳TTT2 (Tekken Tag Tournament 2),画面进步,把之前铁拳系列的角色几乎全部收录,以前的分身角色招式也微调些许不同,超过50个角色,真的是很棒的格斗游戏,共50个奖杯,总计游玩时间约20小时。
以下6个奖杯是Fight Lab,给新手教学的课程:
1. Combot, On Standby! - You cleared Stage 1 in Fight Lab.
2. Combot, Move Out! - You cleared Stage 2 in Fight Lab.
3. Combot, Engage! - You cleared Stage 3 in Fight Lab.
4. Combot, Annihilate! - You cleared Stage 4 in Fight Lab.
5. Combot, Return to Base! - You cleared Stage 5 in Fight Lab.
上面5个就是教学篇1-5 stage,就照violet的教导练习。
6. Super Combot DX Complete - You unlocked all the content in Fight Lab.
这奖杯条件是combot的招式全买下及1-5 stage的BOSS战全得到S评价,多试就会过关,一定要220,000 points以上才能拿到S评价,所以尽量不失血拿100,000,然后短时间内关破拿100,000,在加上满足20,000的extra bonus ,extra bonus是比较难的特殊条件,招式全买要约快200万。 (听说只要招式买完即可解奖杯,我是全S评价在挑战中顺便赚钱)
上面新手教学完,其实已经会解开下面很多tag招式的奖杯,所以那几个奖杯我以没有玩Fight Lab而用其他模式解的方式,其他奖杯解法如下:
7. Flying Butt-Kicker - You pulled off 3 10 hit combos.
8. The Original Bouncer - You pulled off 10 bound combos.
9. Master of the Tag Combo - You pulled off 10 Tag Combos.
到练习模式,tag combo就是浮空招后直接换人出来接combo,用10次。
10. Master of the Tag Assault - You pulled off 10 Tag Assaults.
到练习模式,tag assaults就是浮空连段到bound招式后的换人出来接combo,用10次。
11. Master of the Direct Tag Assault - You pulled off 3 Direct Tag Assaults.
到练习模式,direct tag assaults就是一下的bound招式□+△+R1,用3次。
12. Master of the Tag Throw - You pulled off 10 Tag Throws.
13. True Friendship - You pulled off 3 Tag Crashes.
14. The Best of Friends - You pulled off 3 partner-specific Tag Throws.
到练习模式,用Marshall Law和Paul Phoenix,law输入: □+╳,R1,□+╳,R1,用3次。
15. Lead Coach - You dealt a total of 1000 damage in Practice in Offline Mode.
16. Escape Artist - You successfully completed 10 throw escapes.
17. Dish Best Served Cold - You pulled off 3 reversals.
18. Stick It to 'Em - You pulled off 10 homing attacks.
19. Below the Belt - You pulled off 3 low parries.
20. Insane Juggler - You dealt more than 62 damage in a midair combo.
21. Impressive Moves - You pulled off a GREAT combo.
到练习模式,和上面的奖杯一起拿到,用Marshall Law和Paul Phoenix,输入: →△~□,R1,△,△,□,是特殊隐藏的tag招式,Law会先用寸劲(→△~□),然后换Paul出来打2下(R1,△,△),Law再进来打一拳(□),以上要正确与不延迟的输入。
22. Oodles of Ukemi - You pulled off 3 ukemi.
23. Touch-Up Artist - You customized a character.
24. Secret Weapon - You used an item move.
道具有指令的可以使用item move,装备后就使出1次。
25. Dance to Your Own Beat - You changed the background music using TEKKEN TUNES.
到tekken tunes,背景换一首歌即可。
26. PERFECT Player - You won a PERFECT battle.
27. GREAT Gladiator -You won a GREAT battle.
28. Avoid Flying Heads - You escaped from Alisa's Spam Bomb move.
29. Who You Gonna Call? - You defeated 30 ghosts.
30. Fickle Friend - You switched places with your partner 765 times.
31. Watch Your Step! - You broke a floor.
32. Renovation Time - You broke a wall.
33. Geronimooo! - You broke a balcony.
34. Doused But Not Out - Your upper body got wet in the Fallen Garden stage.
35. Bad Date - You dropped a damsel into the pool in the Eternal Paradise stage.
36. Proof of Your Existence - You won 10 consecutive battles in Survival in Offline Mode.
37. Super-Speed Fists - You cleared Offline Mode Time Attack within 20 minutes.
到time attack模式,20分内破关拿奖杯。
38. Solo Warrior - You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle solo.
39. Preeminent Partner - You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle with a partner.
40. Tenacious Fighter - You won 3 team battles in Offline Mode.
到team battles模式,选8人战,结果赢3人以上拿奖杯。
41. Bazillionaire - You earned over 10,000,000G total.
42. Fortunate Fighter - You earned 3 Lucky Boxes.
只要有对战,不论线上线下很快会拿到,拿到3次lucky boxes。
43. Tug at My Iron Heart Strings - You won a player match in Online Mode.
线上online的有开房间的player match,只要赢一场 。
44. Be Still My Iron Heart - You won a ranked match in Online Mode.
线上online的随机ranked match,一开始段位低beginner只要赢一场就会升段 。
45. Iron Heartache - You fought 3 times in Online Mode.
46. Tekken Black Belt - You earned 1st dan in Online Mode.
线上online的随机ranked match,对会玩的很容易,累积赢9场就升1段,不会玩只好练习与累积经验后持续挑战。
47. You earned Vanquisher in Offline Mode. - Behold the Tekken Lord!
48. You became Tekken Lord in Offline Mode. - You unlocked 40 characters' ending movies.
在Ghost模式升到30段的Tekken Lord段位,我约连续赢290场拿到。
49. Movie Buff - You unlocked 40 characters' ending movies.
上面玩ghost模式会解开角色的破关影片,不用每只角色去打,选对战角色有金黄色背景,中金黄色宝箱会给ending movie,我上面铁拳王段位拿到但movie还没40个,所以就继续玩,直到解开40个角色的ending movies,反正最后也是要解开全50多角色的ending movies来观赏,我打到连赢330场拿到最终100段的真铁拳神段位True Tekken God还没40个,继续连胜到380场终于拿到40个。